
    2023.05.07 | admin | 146次围观




    steam商店错误代码-337答:错误代码-337是Steam商店的常见错误,主要是由于网络连接问题造成的。出现此错误时,您可以尝试以下措施来解决:1.确保您的网络连接正常,并重新启动路由器。2.使用Steam客户端中的“Verify Integrity of Game Files”功能,以...

    steam上商店老是错误代码118是怎么回事?答:steam上商店老是错误代码118是因为没有用加速器所以显示错误。1.首先在浏览器上下载网易uu加速器 2.下载后在桌面打开该软件 3.注册账号后登录即可 4.第二页找到steam社区商店 5.点击一键加速 6.打开steam可以进入商店 7....



    steam错误代码-118解决win10答:原因可能是Steam社区域名被劫持或DNS污染导致,Steam商店页面可以正常打开是因为域名不同,以下是更改DNSS的方法。工具:华硕电脑 1、单击打开开始菜单,点击windows系统,如下图所示 2、找到命令提示符,右键单击命令提示符,...

    steam商店错误代码-118解决答:steam错误代码118是的原因 有可能是网络连接的问题,主要重新设置DNS地址就可以解决了。解决办法具体如下顷吵亏:1. 点击电脑左下角的开始按钮,如下图所示。2.在弹出的菜单栏点击“雀神控制面板”。如下图所示。3.进入到...


    Stack Overflow

    Stack Overflow is headquartered in New York, United States. It was created in the year 2008 by its creators Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky. Prashanth Chandrasekar is the CEO of Stack overflow.

    Features: Unlimited private questions and answers, Intuitive archiving feature, Member profiles, Seamless Integration into the workflow and more.

    Stack Overflow is the biggest, most confided online Q&A platform for developers’ teams to learn, share their insight, and fabricate their vocations. It has emerged as the most sophisticated yet easy-to-use platform that helps to tackle coding issues and growing new abilities.


    Answerbase has its headquarters in Carrer de Sants, Barcelona, Spain. Answerbase was established in 2007. David Givoni is one of the founders and the CEO of the company.

    Features: Moderation, User group management, Actionable content insights, Collaboration notes, Answer drafting and Private question management.

    Answerbase permits every business with a Q&A platform on their site in only a few minutes. This was started with the idea of empowering organizations by encouraging the creation and conveyance of significant substance requested by their intended interest group. Answerbase’s Q&A stage empowers the guests on the website to post their inquiries, and find important solutions.


    Obie is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley, West Coast. The company was founded in 2017 by Alexander Sopinka, Chris Buttenham and Ravinda Seunath. Chris Buttenham is also the CEO of the company.

    Features: Knowledge Base, Searchable Articles, Integrations and Intelligent Search

    Obie has emerged as the most advanced Q&A platform that uses Artificial Intelligence for exchanging information. This boosts the growth of the organization as a whole and changes the way internal support is done.


    AnswerHub is the software developed by the company Devada which has its headquarters in Research Triangle, NC, United States. DZone Inc. that comes under Devada as well launched AnswerHub in 2011.

    Features: Developer API, Real Time Analytics, Import & Export Data, Interaction Tracking and more.

    AnswerHub is the global platform where the digital collaborators gather to share information and feedback for enhancing the existing technology. Engineers sit at the center point of advancement in tech and tech-empowered organizations. AnswerHub offers basic arrangements that drive information sharing and cultivating online coordinated networks for learning and development. The world-class DZone.com Q&A platform is a fundamental asset for engineers far and wide. It is gaining traction with every business quarter (with a base of 29 million interesting clients).


    Quandora has its headquarters in the Greater New York Area, East Coast, Northeastern US. Quandora was established in the year 2012. And the founders of the company are Andreea Barroca and Bogdan Stefanescu. Andreea Barroca is also the CEO of the company.

    Features: Easy on boarding, intuitive, Provides SSO, integrations with popular Enterprise tools, Powerful search and discovery, self maintaining through crowdsourcing and gamification and more.

    Quandora’s Q&A platform was planned out of the years of experience of the experts at Quandora. It was found by the experts that the important information gets lost all through the work measures. Thus, Quandora was created. It increases the productivity, sales efficiency, and customer support quality of the clients. This knowledge-driven Q&A platform is one of the platforms where data can be shared and picked up.

    Expectations from the Q&A platforms

    It is very well said that ‘information is for all’. Every business runs on the idea of generating unique ways to meet the new demands of the market or to improve the existing offerings. This way, the Q&A platforms are going to be very fruitful for overcoming the hurdles by getting insights from the community itself. As this action can only be achieved with the help of the Q&A platforms, it has opened new doors for new players into the Q&A market. It is clear from the ballooning graph of the Q&A market that it will change the way of information exchange in the offing.


    steam商店错误代码-118解决答:,我们点击自己网络使用的进入即可,如图所示。之后在进入的界面,勾选“使用下面的DNS服务器地址”项目,如图所示。最后我们在里面输入号首选和备用的DNS地址,点击“确定”,即可设置成功,可以解决steam错误代码118的问题 ...

    为什么steam商店打不开错误代码答:打开360软件管家里的升级,就看到了Adobe Flash Player ActiveX和Adobe Flash Player NPAPI要升级,我就升级这两个,然后再打开steam商店就好了。现在我又看了一下功能,才知道为啥会变好。不过我不确定是不是升级其中一个,...


    steam错误代码:-100答:steam错误代码:-100解决方法如下:1、下载steamcommunity 302 Ver.7工具,可百度搜寻下载地址。2、下载完成后解压,打开其中的steamcommunity_302_V7.exe运行。3、先点击“设置”,然后选择节点,点击保存,之后点击“启动...

    steam“错误代码:-101”是怎么回事?答:因为steam服务器没有挂,以下是解决方法:1、下载下来软件,解压后打开(补丁下载地址:点击进入)打开界面是这样的 2、选择左下角有点像电池一样的东西,点开以后选择steam。3、选择steam商店/社区以后在点击检测延迟,显示...

    win10steam错误代码-118如何解决?答:Windows 10家庭版(Windows 10 Home)为例:1、首先打开steam商店主页,商店正常界面如图所示,但有时会出现各种错误代码,如图为错误代码-118,也是常见问题之一,2、首先打开桌面上的 “此电脑”老显示dns有问题,也就是“我的电脑”3、接...


    steam商店打不开?一直显示错误代码118我连的校园网答:安装steamcommunity在运行steam 不行删除c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc下面的HOSTS文件

    steam平台错误代码:-118 无法载入网页(未知错误)。答:并且域名跳转至,包括浏览器以及Steam手机客户端都无法正常使用,因以上问题各大第三方交易网站也关闭了存取功能。初步原因可能是Steam社区域名(steamcommunity.com)被劫持或DNS污染导致,Steam商店页面可以正常打开...

    steam无法进入商店,显示“错误代码-103”,如何解决?答:随便找个浏览器 在网址上输入 你家路由器ip 在宽带那栏 找个首用 改成 8,8,8,8


    steam商店错误代码-118答:建议使用加速器。解决steam错误代码-118的另一个简单方法是使用加速器。一般来说,加速器只有在我们玩游戏的时候才会用到,但其实我们也可以通过加速器解决steam错误代码-118。打开一个UU加速器,选择或搜索Steam store选择蒸汽...


    steam错误代码-7答:5、接着就按照【记事本方式】打开它,如图。6、接着在记事本末尾输入代码(代码前就需要用到步骤3的ping值),如图。代码如下: store.steampowered.com steamcommunity.com 7、接着按【...



    steam错误代码118怎么修复?答:steam错误代码-118是因为网络异常的原因,可以通过steam修复工具steamcommunity来修复,以下是使用修复工具steamcommunity修复网络异常的详细操作步骤:1、百度搜索steamcommunity 修复工具,下载修复工具;2、解压缩后右键点击工具,...




